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Beyond Fortress Australia
Beyond Fortress Australia
The reality of living in a pandemic has dawned on Australia. Covid cases at the time of writing are high and still climbing. The virus is here to stay. Equally clear is that ring…
Did 9/11 change our world?
Did 9/11 change our world?
We asked six experts, “Did 9/11 define our world? If so, how? If not, what did?” After each of their responses to these questions, editor Lydia Khalil challenges the experts…
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
This Lowy Institute interactive uncovers the changing face of Australia's diplomatic network, tracking 47 years of Australian diplomatic appointments overseas. The data…
The United States and the Rules‑Based Order
The United States and the Rules‑Based Order
Six experts debate America's approach to the rules-based order.
Australia's Security and the Rules-Based Order: Tracking a Decade of Policy Evolution
Australia's Security and the Rules-Based Order: Tracking a Decade of Policy Evolution
In this feature, we identify ten recurring propositions about the rules-based order and show it's evolution through national debate and government policy. Explore how the rules…
China and the Rules‑Based Order
China and the Rules‑Based Order
Seven experts debate China’s approach to the rules‑based international order
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
In this new feature, Lowy Institute experts provide policy recommendations for Australia to address issues that are critical to our nation’s — and the world’s —…
How China is changing the global balance of economic power
How China is changing the global balance of economic power
China has displaced the United States from its traditional dominance as a major trading partner for most countries of the world.