30 Jan 2025 Trump’s trade policy: Risks for Australia Stephen Moran With tariff threats against both friend and foe, regional trade agreements will assume greater importance.
12 Dec 2024 US tariffs are nothing new – history should be our guide Annmaree O’Keeffe With a change of guard in the White House, Australia could take its lead from Chifley’s art of the deal.
30 Sep 2024 How Australia should deal with Trump Michael Fullilove Trump disparages the liberal international order. Australia may need to serve in its bodyguard.
8 Apr 2024 Beyond Biden vs Trump: The other US elections that matter Raymond La Raja In US foreign policy, the Congress can pack a punch against the president, and that reverberates all the way to Australia.
22 Mar 2024 Australia confronts an Indonesian nickel glut Henry Storey Competition over strategic commodities may increasingly define the economic relationship between the two producers.
18 Jan 2024 Economic diplomacy: To market, to market, with China Greg Earl New Cabinet papers reveal the origins of trade pragmatism and the Coalition’s embrace of communism with market characteristics.
18 Oct 2023 Australia must play the geoeconomics game, or risk being side-lined Naoise McDonagh The world is moving away from a rules-based order and towards power politics. Is Canberra ready?
28 Sep 2023 AUKUS: A debate after the fact is still worth having Georgina Downer Can Australia’s statecraft and alliances offer alternative security options in the Indo-Pacific?
2 Mar 2023 AUKUS and intellectual property Naoise McDonagh , Sascha-Dominik Dov Bachmann In an era of economic entanglement, IP theft has the potential to threaten democracy. Governments need to be vigilant.
24 Feb 2023 The Australia-New Zealand alliance in a war with China Robert Ayson The potential for conflict in the region should have Canberra and Wellington thinking about shared strategic risks.
8 Feb 2022 Getting ready for Trump as President 47 Ben Scott In order to adjust to an unpredictable United States, Canberra needs new habits.
11 Nov 2021 Australia and the American far-right conspiracy Erin Hurley Covid tyranny? Could the fevered imaginings of the post-2016 Trump era end up colouring the US-Australia relationship?
29 Oct 2021 What Australia needs to ask itself about the United States Ethan Paul As the US embraces “strategic competition”, its impetuous nationalism has implications for Canberra.
18 Oct 2021 America’s doughnut shaped Indo-Pacific strategy Henry Storey As Washington’s pivot to Asia begins to take shape, showing up in person and walking the talk will be deal-breakers.
6 Oct 2021 AUKUS: What happens if the Republicans play the Trump card? Grant Wyeth A White House change of guard could mean Australia needs to reassess its values under a more nihilistic regime.
29 Sep 2021 AUKUS + Indonesia Johannes Nugroho Side-stepping any alignment with super powers allows Indonesia to reap the benefits of the new trilateral agreement.
23 Sep 2021 Economic diplomacy: After AUKUS in trade, aid and technology Greg Earl Commercial links may be China’s response to the submarine deal.
21 Sep 2021 AUKUS and the CPTPP: It’s all about China Ian Hill Security deterrence is only one factor in the new and fast-moving geostrategic environment of the Indo-Pacific.
16 Sep 2021 AUSMIN is a chance to refocus Biden’s Indo-Pacific strategy Ashley Townshend , Susannah Patton , Tom Corben For all the talk, there is little evidence that Washington is treating the region as a decisive priority.
9 Sep 2021 ANZUS and Trumpism Ben Scott Australia needs to acknowledge its blind spots in its 70-year friendship with America.
24 Jun 2020 Generation why? Younger Australians wary of United States Natasha Kassam Donald Trump is a big part of this story. But there is also a clear gap in attitudes toward China.
9 Jun 2020 The case for Australian strategic ambiguity Victor Abramowicz Loyalty has its place. But being a more uncertain ally can make you a better friend.
8 Oct 2019 US shift on Syria puts Canberra in a bind Rodger Shanahan Trump’s announcement may or may not be followed through, but it has serious implications for Australia either way.
29 Aug 2019 Should ScoMo support Trump’s “madman” tactics? Stephen Grenville The risk of going all-in with America’s trade war
17 Apr 2019 A question of faith: future Coalition foreign policy under Morrison Geoff Kitney <p>If he wins the Australian election, Scott Morrison's evangelical Christian faith may influence foreign policy.</p>
9 Jan 2019 The special one: Australia, Ireland and the US working visa fight Alan C. Tidwell After a lobbying campaign, Australia will retain exclusive access to a special visa allowing people to work in the US.
5 Jun 2017 AUSMIN: Regional issues deserve top billing Dougal Robinson The key question is whether Australian overtures to Tillerson and Mattis will inform President Trump’s decision making.
2 May 2017 The allure of orthodoxy and the peril of sentimentality James Curran It would be difficult to imagine Turnbull arriving in New York with nothing to offer Trump.
23 Feb 2017 A question for alliance critics: What's your alternative? Rory Medcalf Alliance critics need to offer realistic alternatives; alliance advocates need a realistic plan for helping the alliance adjust to difficult times ahead.
22 Feb 2017 From one friend to another after an eventful first month Angus Houston The US needs to engage with, and make reasonable space for, China.
22 Feb 2017 Joe Hockey and the limits of mateship James Curran Australia can do better than this. Now is not the time to be retreating into wilful sentimentality.
13 Dec 2016 Fighting with America: Trump is the biggest stress test for ANZUS yet Nick Bryant Rather than historical amnesia, the problem Australian prime ministers will encounter with Donald Trump is historical illiteracy.
24 Nov 2016 How US protectionism would threaten Australia Ian Satchwell The US is far and away Australia's most important two-way investment partner.
23 Nov 2016 ANZUS: Former Defence chief takes on the doubters Angus Houston I have been disappointed with the political opportunism I have seen since the US election.
17 Nov 2016 The Trump ascendency and the end of ANZUS bipartisanship Cam Hawker Why we might be seeing the end of Labor-Coalition consensus on ANZUS.
28 Oct 2016 Gillard and Clinton: The pull of an old friendship Geoff Kitney Clinton is said to have been impressed, in the time that Gillard was Australian Prime Minister, with her toughness on policy issues.
10 Sep 2015 The US needs to take the fight in Syria more seriously and Australian involvement will help Jim Molan