2 May 2024 Bougainville’s future: The hard questions Oliver Nobetau There are good reasons to take time before Bougainville cuts loose from PNG.
23 Feb 2024 Geopolitics, but what of other Pacific players? Nic Maclellan Politics is a missing element of a new Lowy Institute assessment.
29 Jun 2023 Bougainville – What’s next? Joseph Nobetau The 2019 referendum saw an overwhelming vote for independence, but the outcome is still unclear.
21 Dec 2022 Seeking independence: three books to read this summer Jessica Collins From Timorese history and Bougainville’s dreams to Australia’s regional stories, catch up on essential background.
31 Oct 2022 Overcoming suspicion: reconciliation for Australia and Bougainville Anthony Regan The angry reaction to Richard Marles’ comments should be a warning to Canberra about the need to settle past grievances.
19 Nov 2021 Bougainville independence: recalling promises of international help Kylie McKenna , Emelda Ariku The pandemic has blown the referendum result off front pages – but that doesn’t make the challenge any easier.
18 Jun 2021 Bougainville independence: Pressure for PNG agreement builds Anthony Regan Setting goals for independence by 2025, UN membership and a sustainable economy signal Bougainville’s resolve.
28 Apr 2021 Power politics lies behind how new countries are born – or not Gordon Peake History shows a resounding referendum – like recently in Bougainville – is not alone in deciding future independence.
2 Dec 2020 A false start for PNG-Bougainville consultations Gordon Peake The post-referendum process stalled after a delegation arrived in Port Moresby, only to have the meeting cancelled.
24 Sep 2020 Bougainville: A new captain at the helm Leanne Jorari Ex-combatant Ishmael Toroama hopes to reward people’s patience and finally steer the island to independence.
8 Jul 2020 Consulting on Bougainville’s future: The what, who, how and when Gordon Peake Making progress after the overwhelming independence ballot is as much a question of bureaucratic mechanics as politics.
25 Jun 2020 A crowded house on the Bougainville ballot Shane McLeod With independence negotiations looming, hundreds of candidates are running for house seats, and 25 for president.
27 Feb 2020 Bougainville: Ringing in the change? Annmaree O’Keeffe John Momis towered as a figure in both PNG on Bougainville, but his time as president seems to be fast running out.
30 Jan 2020 The Bougainville referendum: Celebrations turn to sadness and hope Kylie McKenna The emotional responses to the vote offer a more nuanced picture than an emphasis on hypothetical worst-case outcomes.
9 Dec 2019 The celebratory Bougainville referendum – stories from Siwai Kylie McKenna , Augusta Ariku , Emelda Ariku , Lieberth Sam , Anthony Siniku Bamboo bands, drums, and groups of women singing and dancing are the backdrop as Bougainville decides its future.
4 Dec 2019 An upbeat mood in Buka as Bougainville waits for a result Gordon Peake With civic joy fuelled by nothing stronger than coconuts and Coca-Cola, the independence ballot is only the first step.
20 Nov 2019 Bougainville referendum: Not the last word Annmaree O’Keeffe If predictions of a vote for independence are right, figuring out the mechanics of statehood will be a struggle
9 Oct 2019 Bougainville’s predicament, independence or not Annmaree O’Keeffe Whatever path Bougainville follows after next month’s referendum, human development is its most urgent priority.
26 Sep 2019 The Pacific and a “third option” to the independence question Kerryn Baker Bougainville or New Caledonia could chart their own course with “flexible sovereignty” – but that might not be enough.
22 Aug 2019 Bougainville: A nation in waiting? Ben Bohane With an independence referendum looming, Australia’s interest is seeing this long-running issue resolved peacefully.
23 Apr 2019 Simplistic and wrong to say the ABC is missing from Pacific coverage Kellie Mayo So often the ABC asks questions to provide answers other media outlets run with.
15 Apr 2019 Australian media: missing in action on Bougainville Annmaree O’Keeffe But you can count on New Zealand – again!
21 Dec 2018 Bougainville’s Panguna – “a challenging opportunity” Annmaree O’Keeffe Opportunities in Bougainville won’t be easily or quickly realised, and certainly not without community support.
11 Oct 2018 Facing ghosts of the past in Bougainville Catherine Wilson Post-war justice has been elusive, but until grievances are confronted, the consequences of impunity can be deadly.
21 Aug 2018 The new battle for Bougainville’s Panguna mine Catherine Wilson Mining, without peace, won’t contribute to a longing for successful self-government and equitable development.