4 Jun 2021 Finding a new approach to water security in Southeast Asia Angelo Paolo L. Trias Disaster governance systems can help overcome barriers to securing water across the region.
31 May 2021 Is Southeast Asia ready for a US-China tech decoupling? Manoj Harjani Some regional countries have sought to diversify. But this doesn’t necessarily mean choosing sides.
26 May 2021 Myanmar is not the next Syria Henry Storey Comparisons may help draw attention to the crisis, but they ignore essential differences.
24 May 2021 ASEAN’s huge gamble on Myanmar Chen Lee If it doesn’t move quickly on its hard-won consensus, the organisation risks letting the junta call the shots.
13 May 2021 Indonesia responds to the cyber dark side Greta Nabbs-Keller , RM Wibawanto Nugroho Widodo Australia will also benefit from practical bilateral cooperation to enhance Indonesia’s cyber security.
7 May 2021 Post-Covid disaster governance in Southeast Asia Angelo Paolo L. Trias , Alistair D.B. Cook The pandemic revealed a narrow focus on natural hazards, lacking the systems needed for an increasingly complex world.
27 Apr 2021 Guiding Myanmar away from ruin Catherine Renshaw Many Southeast Asian nations have struggled with authoritarianism. Maybe the family can steer Myanmar straight.
26 Apr 2021 Indonesia raises ASEAN’s bar on Myanmar Ben Bland President Joko Widodo had nothing to gain domestically in calling a special summit. But in not failing, he succeeded.
22 Apr 2021 Economic diplomacy: Supply chains, ASEAN wanes, and Japan’s coal dump Greg Earl Will government have to pick a winner for 6G networks to show the US and Japan as “global leaders in innovation”?
21 Apr 2021 Indonesia gambles on special ASEAN summit on Myanmar Johannes Nugroho Joko Widodo may have an eye to his legacy by inviting the junta to Jakarta, but it could also cost his prestige.
14 Apr 2021 The Quad’s uneasy place in Southeast Asia Ivy Kwek The region will need assurance to overcome scepticism about the Quad and assuage a deep-seated fear of upsetting China.
22 Mar 2021 Myanmar coup: ASEAN’s quiet diplomacy is more constructive Hui Ying Lee Critics of the Southeast Asian organisation’s response miss the opportunity that is offered by trusted engagement.
15 Mar 2021 A new “concert” to govern the Indo-Pacific Pang Zhongying For Quad leaders emphasising an “inclusive” region, there may be a ready-made example for involving China.
1 Feb 2021 Filling the gaps in ASEAN and EU cybercrime cooperation Eugenio Benincasa The two regional bodies are teaming up to counter cybersecurity threats, but it’s no simple task.
18 Dec 2020 Washington’s warped Asia policy debate Dhruva Jaishankar Whoever Joe Biden puts into key positions, best they make quick studies on regional dynamics.
1 Dec 2020 What RCEP can tell us about geopolitics in Asia Rocky Intan China-US rivalry tends to overshadow assessments. But this major accomplishment came with ASEAN at the centre.
13 Aug 2020 Economic diplomacy: A call to syringes, not arms Greg Earl Australia looks to navigate a recession, global business faces routine disruptions, and war is cheaper than a pandemic.
3 Aug 2020 Brunei, ASEAN and the South China Sea Joshua Espeña , Anne Uy A long-silent claimant has spoken, but will it be heard?
1 Jul 2020 After ASEAN summit, little change on the South China Sea Mark Valencia Despite expectations leaders might collectively rebuke China for its latest actions, the message was more uncertain.
17 Jun 2020 ASEAN Summit: A chance to engage on the Rohingya crisis Rebecca Barber , Sarah Teitt The regional body has been notably silent on genocide in Myanmar, ducking behind the myth of non-interference.
30 Apr 2020 The missing piece in the debate about the future regional order Nurliana Kamaruddin , Jan Vincent Galas While all attention has been on the US and China, countries of the region themselves might have a say.
27 Apr 2020 Troubled waters: China’s sovereign ambition in the shadows of Covid-19 Trinh Le While the US is busy containing the coronavirus, Beijing stakes its claims in the South China Sea.
7 Apr 2020 US regional leadership: A shot across the bow William Choong China had already been gaining in Southeast Asia before the pandemic began. Now Beijing is looking to press ahead.
26 Mar 2020 Economic diplomacy: Fighting global pandemics from the G20 to ASEAN Greg Earl When the G2 idea still had currency, a pandemic might have seemed a potential moment for US-China cooperation
5 Feb 2020 ASEAN: Perceptions of power and security Ivy Kwek A recent survey reveals distrust of both China and the US across Southeast Asia, and a pragmatic sense of partnerships.
28 Jan 2020 Forging consensus in the South China Sea Michael Nguyen By backing each other’s claims, a united Southeast Asian front would be difficult for Beijing to divide and conquer.
13 Jan 2020 India has left RCEP behind, but not its ambition in Southeast Asia Mustafa Izzuddin Withdrawing from a mega-regional trade deal is a setback, but New Delhi has other ways of enhancing regional engagement.
4 Dec 2019 In conversation: Malaysia’s Foreign Minister on great power rivalry Ben Bland From the South China Sea to the Rohingya crisis, Saifuddin Abdullah speaks to Lowy’s Ben Bland on Asia’s big challenges.
7 Nov 2019 Economic diplomacy: RCEP and ASEAN’s new way, plus voting ADB-style Greg Earl What was Factory Asia has made a subtle shift to a consumer-driven Market Asia under the “world’s biggest trade deal”.
10 Oct 2019 Economic diplomacy: Auditing globalism, trade woes, ASEAN’s future Greg Earl Measuring and managing the world economy – and Australia’s place – sees a pushback to a “negative globalism” mantra.
10 Sep 2019 Why the US and its allies should keep ASEAN at the centre Anu Anwar Southeast Asia has its own interest in maintaining the free flow of trade in the region.
5 Aug 2019 ASEAN’s strategic engagement in the unwieldy Indo-Pacific Nurliana Kamaruddin The terminology might have converged, but differing interpretations of how to manage the region still pose a challenge.
28 Jun 2019 The Indo-Pacific is the New Asia Melissa Conley Tyler The terms of the debate might be finally settled, but the contest will go on. And on.
29 Apr 2019 The chance for Australia to urge ASEAN to act on the Rohingya crisis Rebecca Barber ASEAN will never be in the business of naming and shaming, but its past way of doing diplomacy is evolving.
24 Apr 2019 Economic diplomacy: ASEAN trade, BRI deals and ageing Asia Greg Earl The unwieldy sounding AANZFTA is a surprise hit with Australian business.
9 Apr 2019 Can technology save ASEAN’s food supplies from climate change? Frederick Kuo A pressing need to feed a big population with little agricultural land and shirking fish stocks could spur innovation.
29 Mar 2019 ASEAN Regional Forum: less might be more Ron Huisken , Anthony Milner Often dismissed as a “talk-shop”, the significance of this existing forum in a complex and nervous Asia could grow.
26 Nov 2018 Thailand should lead ASEAN with a migrant worker agenda Ruji Auethavornpipat Bangkok’s ambition of leading ASEAN, stymied by domestic strife, can be achieved by combating labour trafficking.
23 Nov 2018 From the high horse: Malaysia’s problematic track record Rob Edens Mahathir’s portrait of racial harmony in Malaysia is inspiring – except, of course, for being demonstrably false.
2 Aug 2018 ASEAN might not be the way Milton Osborne Several Southeast Asian nations fall short of adhering to a “rules-based order” and may not be the hedge against China.
30 Mar 2018 Deterrence under the dragon’s shadow: Vietnam’s military modernisation Wu Shang-Su Vietnam has long sought to calibrate its defence posture in the shadows of great power competition.
21 Mar 2018 The urgent need for leadership on the Rohingya crisis Claire Rogers The most overcrowded refugee camp on the planet has more than twice the population of Canberra crammed into an area the size of beachside Victorian town Sorrento.
19 Mar 2018 ASEAN Summit wrap: living with neighbours, managing China’s alternative, and bridges to somewhere Greg Earl From missed media moments to remarkable bridges, Greg Earl on the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit.
16 Mar 2018 What DFAT really thinks of Australia joining ASEAN Daniel Flitton <p>An indiscreet former foreign minister gave a valuable insight into the costs of membership.</p>
16 Mar 2018 Australia, Asia, and the “Wealth of Nations” Peter McCawley A new World Bank report allows stronger judgments about economic issues facing the region.
15 Mar 2018 ASEAN summit brief: joining the club, infrastructure games, Jakarta’s power team, and business links Greg Earl <p>Regular The Interpreter columnist Greg Earl previews the special Australia-ASEAN summit.</p>
13 Mar 2018 ASEAN is not South East Asia Malcolm Cook Australia’s relations with the region are not mediated by a lightly institutionalised inter-governmental institution.
8 Feb 2018 ASEAN: different strokes for different folks, but future should be in sync Huong Le Thu Communicating contradictory images and aspirations does not help create a consistent perception of ASEAN among its external partners.
6 Feb 2018 ASEAN matters and deserves credit John Blaxland For all its inconveniences, Australia is overwhelmingly dependent on ASEAN working and working well.
5 Feb 2018 Is ASEAN still central to Australia? Euan Graham Canberra is busy diversifying its diplomatic efforts partly in response to ASEAN's shortcomings.